


The new government will talk with the International monetary fund for the possibility to induct additional benefits in order to attract foreign investors in Macedonia. This was announced by the minister of finance, Trajko Slaveski in the interview given for Radio Free Europe, where he added: “Maybe in the more developed countries they are neither standard nor applicable, but in countries like our, with lowest level of direct foreign investments per citizen in Europe, we must do something more to attract the potential investors”.
Also he said that the banking system in Macedonia is relatively weak, and the level of competition is very low.


The US embassy in Macedonia donated video telecommunication equipment to the Public Prosecutor in the country. The instigator as US ambassador, Paul Wolers gave the equipment to the state public prosecutor, Aleksandar Prcevski. This donation, as the embassy informs is supplementing of the previous one from last year, with which the donation for the Government from USA is completed, and it’s consist from set modern video teleconferencing equipment for the public prosecutor, for MIR and for the customs management.


The Republic of Macedonia received an invitation to participate at the meeting of the Contact group for Kosovo, which will be held in Sofia. On the meeting, scheduled on 11th and 12th September, besides Alber Roan, deputy of the representativeof the general secretary of UN for Kosovo, deputies-ministers of foreign affairs and regional directors of the ministries from Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Romania, Turkey, Greece are also invited, and representatives from UNMIK and temporary institutions are invited too.


The US producer of the plane “Beach conair 200”, in which the president Boris Trajkovski and his eight fellow travelers died in crash, probably will try to finish the court trial that was led by their families, with a peaceful decision. The US lawyer’s firm “Life Cabraser Hayman and Bernstein LLP”, hired for the case with the accident of the presidential plane, has submitted an appeal in front of the authorized US court against the firm “Reiton”, which seat is in Wichita in the state of Kansas. Sources from the family of the victims are saying that although the producer of the plane didn’t want to accept the guilt for the plane-crash, however more closer are the information that he agrees on out-judicial agreement, in which the prosecutors will must pay certain amount as insurance in order the appeals to be withdrawn.


In order to award its customers' trust and loyalty for its 3rd anniversary, ProCredit Bank announces + 1% BONUS on all new opened savings accounts in foreign currency up to the end of September. Under new opened savings accounts it is understood all kinds of savings products of ProCredit Bank: saving book, flexible time deposit with an option for advance payment of the interest and after the maturity of the deposit, three months time deposit with an automatic renewal and possibility to obtain increasing interest and possibility for flexible withdrawal of the deposit up to the compulsory minimum, without maturity termination and the interest rate is calculated on the outstanding amount.This campaign is assign to remind and to invoke of the old good habit for saving and lasts till 30 September this year. Maja Stojanovska, the Head of Retail Department says that the number of the people who are saving is permanently growing and that is at the same time good news for the Bank Department, because the trust to the banks from the people who are saving is coming back


The leader of Syndicate of the employees in the education, science and culture – SONK, Dojcin Cvetanovski considers that the conditions in the elementary and in the high schools is terrifying and the pupils are encumbered with problems for which generally they don’t need to think. He says that the schools’ objects are ruined and are in front of collapsing, wherewith there is a possibility of accidents. At the same time, they are forced to walk on rotten floors and to think whether will be electricity and heating or not.


“Hotels with four stars, a golf terrain, hydro centrals, capacities for bio-ethanol and bio-diesel etc. These are the investments’ projects that the government will review in the following two to three years”, the minister of foreign investments, Gligor Tashkovic, in the interview fir the Australian CBC, stated.
He says that the next 12 months will work on two projects that will have positive effects for the Macedonian economy. Tahskovski stated that he wants to help to the foreign investors to realize their projects in Macedonia. “First of all that means outgoing of the bureaucracy. I’ll travel abroad in order to familiarize all possible investors that Macedonia is opened for business”, Tashkovski says.


With the project “City of possible worlds” Macedonia for the second time will participate on the Venice’s international biennale of the architecture that will be held from 9th of September till 19th of November.
“City of possible worlds” is a context of the common topic of the biennale “City: architecture and society”. Its creators will also set of to Venice: Mihajlo Zinovski, Sasha Tasic, Dimitar Papasterovski, Jovan Ivanovski and Vladimir Petrovski. Their project was accepted on the official competition by the Museum of Skopje.


The last scene of the Milco Mancevski’s movie “Bones” that was shot on locations near Skopje has finished. The great international team is satisfied fro the shooting, that was finished in the predicted term and budget.
“I wanted the project to be as sample, business and artistic and with it generations, actors and movie coworkers to be educated, with one word professionals. It is important Macedonia to appear in projects as full business partner that imposes criteria, but not as someone who only is in hurry and serves as third class service”, Mancevski stated.


In 2005 for the first time in the Macedonian electronic space the web site has appeared, daily informatory and review till the second half of the XIV century in the Republic of Macedonia and the presentations of the culture and the tourism throughout the King Marko’s brand by the members of the citizen association “KingMarkoCult” from Skopje. For one year existence 4.500 units have been published in Macedonia, collaborate with the municipalities and individuals, and prepare “a passport” for every well intended men of the King Marko’s adventure. In the first year this project enters with one more ambitious news, related again with use of the informatics technology, collaboration starts, selling and celebrating of one year working, comparative information King Marko – King Arthur, Kokino - Stonehenge in correct program for 6th and for 7th of September 2006, when will officially mark the anniversary.

























Weapons from Macedonia are stored in compliance with the requierements of Bulgarian laws and the importing company, while the Macedonian selling firm gave consent to the Bulgarian buyer to produce or sell the concerned goods to third parties, reads the report of national Bulgarian security service Bezbednost, MIA reports.
The three prior deliveries of weapons from the Macedonian Defense Ministry to Bulgaria were conducted in compliance with the import decision of June 2005 by the inter-sectorial committee on export control and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as well as the decision of the Macedonian police for transport of the goods to the warehouses of the Bulgarian purchasing company.
Moreover, the Macedonian film was obliged to escort the load until it leaves the country's territory, reads the report.
The police seized past Thursday weapons during a routine control of three trucks with Bulgarian register plates. The firearms included 300 pieces of machine guns caliber 7,62mm with 300 stands, and 33 mortars caliber 120mm. The truck drivers have been detained.