

  The Questionnaire is answered

The Government has coordinated all answers of the 1.922 questions and double more sub questions from the Euro-questionnaire, which was received after the delivered candidacy for membership in European Union. As the Vice-president of the Government, Radmila Sekerinska has announced, the Questionnaire with 14.000 pages will be adopted and translated on January 31 and than it will be delivered to the President of the European Commission, Zoze Manuel Baroso on February 14.
  One year for maternity leave!?

The Women’s Association of the Macedonian Federation of Labor Unions (SSM) is against the proposal, maternity leave to be reduced from 9 to 3 months, which was proposed by the Association of economic sectors. The women’s from the SSM are proposing to the Government not to reduce, but to increase maternity leave to one year.
“Situation is alarming. Birthrate is decreased for 3 percents. Young people are getting married later and they are delaying parenthood. In some cities, mortality is bigger than the birthrate”-says Ljiljana Jankulovska from the Section of the women’s of SSM.
  Notice of resignation for 900 “railroad workers”

The main priorities that were prescribed for this year by the Prime minister Vlado Buckovski to the Minister for transport and connections and to his colleagues are: reform and transformation of the “Macedonian Railroad” and “Macedonian Post Office”, passing of the new Law for electronic communications, the two airports in our state to be given under concession, sale of the City Trade Center (GTC) to be completed, tender for the World business- center to be announced, the trade center across from the National Bank to be constructed, after previous selling of the land to the strategic investor. The first man from the Government has pointed out that in the process of transformation of the “Macedonian Railroad” there will be no political calculations and 900 railroad workers will received notice of resignation.
  Open Competition for the award “November 13, 2005”

The Children Art Center- City association of art pedagogues – Skopje has organized the traditional international exhibit of the Children Fine Art “November 13”, on the occasion of liberation of Skopje. Right for participation have children from the kindergartens, nursery schools, primary and high schools. Children from 4 to 18-age can participate with art creation on subjects from everyday life. The art creations of the children must have following personal data: name and last name of the author, year of birth, name of the mentor, school, and place of living and state of living. The creations can be send on following address: Detski likoven centar – Gradsko zdruzenie na likovni pedagozi, ul.”Nikola Rusinski” br. 1, Post-office box: 675 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia with mark: “For the exhibit 13 Noemvri 2005”. Right for participation also has children from our emigrants.  

Macedonian Literature in foreign countries

The respectable Slovenian magazine for literature and culture “Contemporary times” (Sodobnost) from Ljubljana, which is published for 68 years, in the newest edition has dedicated special pages for contemporary Macedonian poetry. It’s about the poetry book with 700 verses. In the book are represented Radovan Cvetkovski, Svetlana Hristiva-Jocik, Naumce Radicevski, Vasil Tocinovski, Petre Bakevski, Matodi Manev and Hristo Petreski. Bibliographic notes of the authors are given in the book and Ranko Mladenovski has made the selection.

















Macedonian Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski had a meeting Wednesday with MATAV Chief Executive Officer Elek Straub, which focused on the development plans of "Macedonian Telecommunications" and the partnership relation of MATAV and the Macedonian Government.
Buckovski and Straub agreed on the increase of the Government's dividend, which would amount at Euro 42,4 million, instead of last year's Euro 18 million from the company's profit.
Upon the initiative of the Macedonian PM, "Macedonian Telecommunications" should employ 250 people with university education in the upcoming three years, 100 of whom in 2005, 100 in 2006, and 50 in 2007.
Buckovski stressed that the dividend funds would be used for implementation of development and infrastructure projects, as well as support to reforms in regard to Macedonia's preparations for EU and NATO membership.
Furthermore, MATAV Chief Executive Officer supported the adoption of the new law on telecommunications, promising support in the implementation of project "e-Government of Republic of Macedonia".
"Matav" Chief Executive Officer Elek Straub also met with Macedonian President Branko Crvenkovski.
Straub informed Crvenkovski on the company's prior functioning and the envisaged development plans.


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) ranks Macedonia's transition process right after the candidate countries for the European Union membership - Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania.
In its Transition Report 2004, presented Wednesday in Skopje, EBRD says that there was a dramatic fall of the industrial production in Macedonia, but also solid progress in structural reforms and privatization of the National Electric Power Supply Company (ESM). Macedonia is recommended to improve its business climate and cut administrative barriers and costs.
EBRD Transition Report is a unique source of information on developments in central and eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).Drawing on the EBRD's extensive experience as an investor in the region, the Report offers comprehensive analysis of the transition to market economies and macroeconomic performance.